City of Cranbrook adjusts traffic signal timing

The city is in the process of adjusting and repairing traffic signals as per a request by the previous council.

  • Jan. 23, 2015 3:00 p.m.

The city is in the process of adjusting and repairing traffic signals as per a request by the previous council.

The city undertook a traffic review back in October 2014, which was carried out by Great Northern Engineering Consultants, and found a number of issues which required timely repair and replacement.

“The previous council did ask us to check our street lights and the crosswalk time and so forth, so we did do a check on that,” explained CAO Wayne Staudt.

“There are a number of streetlights and crosswalks that need adjustments so Public Works is going through that process and adjusting the times for people to get across the street and so forth.”

Staudt said the analysis and study and now we’re in the process of changing the crosswalks.

Some of the work can be completed under the Public Works current annual operating budgets, while other parts of it will require additional funds or need to be addressed through the capital roads program.

Staudt noted that the city is currently working on signal timing changes, and completed eight of nine intersections. The final intersection is Baker and 11th Avenue, which will be completed when the controller is upgraded. Minor repairs are scheduled for spring and summer, while major control and vehicle detection upgrades are have been submitted into the five year plan.

The City’s Engineering department is looking at work outside Public Works scope.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman