The City of Duncan has introduced three new grant programs. (File photo)

City of Duncan introduces 3 new grant programs

Grants will assist businesses, residents and property owners

  • May. 31, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The City of Duncan has launched three grant programs that will assist its businesses, residents, and property owners to maintain and improve their properties.

The Enhanced Security Initiative Program is intended to encourage commercial property owners to implement measures that would improve public safety, enhance protection and security of their buildings and surrounding properties.

The ESIP is a matching grant opportunity for commercial property owners to apply for any new safety or security project that they choose with a 50 per cent reimbursement, up to a maximum of $1,000.

The Graffiti Removal Program will assist Duncan property owners, both residential and commercial, whose property has been tagged with graffiti.

Property owners may pick up a voucher at City Hall for one free can of paint and a brush (or other products to assist at removing graffiti up to $60 value), along with instructions for redeeming the voucher at participating Duncan paint stores.

Statistics show that repeat tagging percentage is close to zero if tags are covered within 24 to 48 hours of appearance.

The City-Wide Façade Improvement Program is meant to promote business revitalization by encouraging building owners to invest in storefront upgrades.

The objective is to make significant improvements to the appearance of the city’s streetscapes while creating an enjoyable walking environment.

Council approved $10,000 in 2021 for the Façade Improvement Program, to provide a grant up to 50 per cent of the cost of eligible improvements to a maximum of $1,000 per application, per project, per year.

Applicants will be assessed and approved on a first come-first serve basis.

This program is available to buildings outside of the Downtown Duncan Business Improvement Area, which has a similar program for their membership.

“These programs have come from ongoing conversations with business owners and operators and the DDBIA throughout the pandemic,” said Mayor Michelle Staples.

“They are examples of some of the tools the city is implementing to support the changing needs expressed by our business community.”

For more information on these programs, visit the city’s website at

Cowichan Valley Citizen