City of Greenwood gives readings to credit card payment service bylaw

Greenwood city council briefs from its Oct. 24 meeting.

Greenwood city council met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Oct. 24, discussing permissive tax exemptions and voting on allowing credit card payments to the City of Greenwood.

Credit Card payments

Council gave first, second and third readings to the City of Greenwood Credit Card Payment Service Fee Bylaw 909. The new credit card service can be used to pay property taxes, among other things. This service comes with a 1.10 per cent charge of the final amount, and the bylaw will come into effect starting Dec.1, 2016 after its fourth and final reading.

Tax Exemptions

Council gave fourth and final reading to the 2017 and 2018 tax exemption bylaw number 908. Several church properties were exempted, including properties held by the United Church of Canada, the Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Nelson, and the Trustees of the Evangel Chapel.

The bylaw also exempts certain non-profit organizations from property tax, including the Greenwood Heritage Society, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 155, the Greenwood Temple Society, and the parking lot held by the City of Greenwood. The criteria for the exemptions states they are eligible because they are funded in part or in whole by public funds.

Mayors Report

Mayor Ed Smith gave his report, noting that the annual meeting on the community forest will be held on Nov. 15 at the Greenwood Community Hall. Smith also congratulated Wendy Higashi on becoming the city’s official chief administrative officer, dropping the “acting” from her title.


Boundary Creek Times