A rendering of Stober Group’s 3340 Lakeshore Road project, a mixed-use design that features 345 homes located above a fully concealed parking structure. (Contributed)

City of Kelowna considering residential project on Willow Creek Campground

The 3340 Lakeshore Road project is a mixed-use design that features 345 homes located above a fully concealed parking structure

  • May. 25, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A redesigned application for the development of a mixed-use residential project that would be built on the current site of the Willow Creek Campground will be reviewed by the City of Kelowna on June 1.

Located beside the parking lot of Boyce-Gyro Park, Stober Group’s 3340 Lakeshore Road project is a mixed-use design that features 345 homes located above a fully concealed parking structure. Wrapped around the parking lot is space for a mix of retail and residential uses, featuring a ground floor level that houses corner plazas, cafés and restaurants with patios.

“The redesigned project that we are proposing is a mixed-use design that achieves city urban centre development objectives and also responds to the significant amount of input that we received from the community,” said Bob Dagenais, the director of development for Stober Group.

An application for the development on the 4.4-acre Willow Creek Campground site was originally submitted in June 2019, but Dagenais said that the proposal was redesigned to better reflect the feedback the group received after a public consultation process with the community.

“Stober has held this property for many decades and the one thing that hasn’t changed in all that time is how much people love this neighbourhood and increasingly want to live, work and play here,” he said.

Also, outlined in the project is the extension of Lanfranco Road from Lakeshore Road to Watt Road, which would provide a new link to Okanagan Lake. The group said that Fascieux Creek will be ‘daylighted’ as part of the development of a linear park on the new Lanfranco corridor.

The Alternative Transportation Corridor would be extended from Cedar Avenue along Walnut Street and Watt Road, connecting the neighbourhood to the north to Gyro Beach. The Watt Road frontage would be upgraded to include a curb, gutter and sidewalks on its east side.

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