Part of the grant will provide new lighting, benches and bike racks along Marysville’s main street. Paul Rodgers file.

City of Kimberley receives CBT grant for Marysville downtown improvements

Downtown Marysville will be getting a spruce up as the city of Kimberley has learned that a grant of $175,570 from the Columbia Basin Trust has been approved.

Downtown Marysville will be getting a spruce up as the city of Kimberley has learned that a grant of $175,570 from the Columbia Basin Trust has been approved.

The total project cost of $214,000 will support a number of improvements, the most significant being a public washroom facility in the Marysville Falls Eco Park.The washroom will be open daily until 9 p.m.

Lampposts along the business district will be replaced with brighter and more localized LED lighting creating a warmer and safer environment. New benches will be available to encourage residents and visitors to utilize the space comfortably. Several bike racks will be placed in the area and new landscaping will increase beautification.

“Our vision for the community is that Kimberley is a unique mountain town that is highly valued by residents and visitors for its strong social networks, vibrant cultural scene, diverse local economy, exceptional recreational amenities, and a healthy natural environment. This project will support that vision,” said City CAO Scott Sommerville. “In light of COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most important priorities that our city has is ensuring economic resiliency. These downtown Marysville enhancements will most certainly increase traffic in the area and help the businesses there to attract patrons after this difficult time.”

As with previous revitalization projects on the Platzl, the grant allows for business land and building owners in the Marysville Downtown District to apply to the City for matching grants for enhancements to their outdoor spaces. Enhancements can include accessibility upgrades, façade improvements and landscaping. City staff will be reaching out to individual businesses in the area with details on those grants. Those wishing to receive more information can email Pamela Walsh at

READ: City will apply for grant for downtown Marysville enhancements

READ: City of Kimberley receives CBT funding for Platzl enhancements

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