City of Kimberley will review arena safety

In light of the tragic loss of three lives at the Fernie Arena, City CAO Scott Sommerville said Wednesday morning that the City of Kimberley will be looking at their standard operating procedures for arenas.

City of Kimberley will review arena safety

In light of the tragic loss of three lives at the Fernie Arena, City CAO Scott Sommerville said Wednesday morning that the City of Kimberley will be looking at their standard operating procedures for arenas.

“Our hearts go out to Fernie today,” Sommerville said.

“In light of what has happened in Fernie, we are reviewing our Standard Operating Procedures related to the arenas this morning.

“Once we have a clearer idea of the circumstances that led to the tragedy in Fernie, we will incorporate that into further safety protocols.

“We are also discussing migrating the ice plant in the Civic Arena to the outdoors, like we did in Marysville in 2013. As we are planning to redo the slab and boards in the Civic Arena, it is worthwhile to consider a new ice plant in a safer location.

Kimberley Daily Bulletin