The City of Langley is aiming to rebrand itself, with plans for a possible new slogan and a logo beyond its municipal coat of arms.

The City of Langley is aiming to rebrand itself, with plans for a possible new slogan and a logo beyond its municipal coat of arms.

City of Langley aims to rebrand

New slogan, logo among items on a request for proposals to marketing firms

The City of Langley may soon have a new eye-catching logo and catchy slogan for its signs, buildings and vehicles.

The City is issuing a request for proposals from marketing firms to pitch a new corporate branding strategy for the municipality, including a logo (which the City currently does not have) and likely a new slogan to replace “The place to be.”

This first phase of the rebranding effort has been budgeted at $30,000, of a total $45,500.

“This is an important use of taxpayers’ money for a multitude of reasons,” said Samantha Paulson, the City’s communications officer.

“It helps reinforce who we are. It promotes community and belonging.

“In addition, it helps with bringing new business — whether it be investment or visitors to our community — and it’s supposed to help with promoting tourism and bringing people here and building on our community.”

The new logo will be used to represent the City’s corporate identity and won’t replace the coat of arms for council matters, said Paulson.

“[The logo is] something that represents today.”

Paulson said she has taken inspiration from other Lower Mainland municipalities, most of whom have undertaken similar efforts in recent years.

When Paulson presented this plan to council on May  13, the response from councillors was largely positive.

“I really look forward to the day when people can come to Langley and know that [they’re] in Langley, just from what they see. So I’m really looking forward to this process,” said Coun. Nathan Pachal.

Coun. Rudy Storteboom also expressed interest in seeing the results of the process, saying he understands the importance of good marketing, from his experience in the field.

Langley Times