City of Nanaimo has no plans to give out free salt

City of Nanaimo has no plans to give out free salt

NANAIMO – Neither the city nor Emcon Services have experienced a shortage in salt.

Salt isn’t being handed out for free by the City of Nanaimo – and the municipality isn’t experiencing any shortages.

David Myles, manager of roads and traffic services for City of Nanaimo, said free salt isn’t given out as it is in Vancouver. The salt in its bin is what’s put on roads.

“There’s no plan right now to give out free salt,” Myles said. “Having said that, if all the stores were to run out and citizens went to mayor and council requesting it, we may have to consider that.”

The city has a few hundred tonnes of salt in its bins so it’s ready for the next couple of cold-weather events, said Myles, “and then see what the rest of the winter brings us.”

The city has put down 800-900 tonnes of salt on roads since the beginning of December, which would be average for the normal winter, according to Myles, although he did say more has been used than last year and the year before.

Emcon Services also is not experiencing any salt shortages, although it has also used more salt than this time last year. It expected a barge delivery was going to be made to its supplier on Friday (Jan. 13).

Nanaimo News Bulletin