The City of Nanaimo wants to hear what residents think about potential amenities at Westwood Lake Park. (Image from City of Nanaimo website)

City of Nanaimo presents ideas for parking, amenities at Westwood Lake

Survey seeking input from residents open until Oct. 31

  • Sep. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The City of Nanaimo is wondering about ways to better provide residents with access to Westwood Lake Park.

City council voted to consider up to $1 million in amenity improvements in May and in a press release Friday, Sept. 3, the city said it seeks input on draft improvement ideas for the park. At the moment, the focus is on an area of the park that had been occupied by a caretaker house, as well as the main park entrance at Westwood Road, parking lot and the first beach.

Improvements could include additional amenities at the beach, improved universal access features such as new or renovated washrooms, trails and access points, said the press release. Increased parking capacity, better traffic navigation, improved pedestrian circulation and safety improvements, a new playground, additional picnic and special events areas, a bike-wash station, facilities for lifeguards and consideration for emergency access are other ideas mentioned by the city.

Westwood Lake Park was specifically brought up through engagement with several community organizations through Phase 1 of the ReImagine Nanaimo initiative and there was keen interest in the park and surrounding areas, said the press release.

“Elements in the site plans are interchangeable and are intended to explore what amenities the public would like to see at this popular park,” the press release said.

To view project information and to complete a survey, people can go to Feedback will be accepted until Oct. 31.

Council said it is looking forward to hearing what residents think.

“Westwood Lake Park is one of the most popular parks in Nanaimo and is used extensively every day throughout the year,” Mayor Leonard Krog said in the release. “Through this community engagement process, we hope to find out what the public would like to see to further enhance the amenities found at Westwood Lake.”

RELATED: City looks at improving Westwood Lake Park amenities

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