The Lions Ventureland Playground in Parksville Community Park at 193 Beachside Dr. (Mandy Moraes photo)

City of Parksville looks to improve accessibility at Lions Ventureland Playground

Grant application submitted to complete perimeter sidewalk, expand rubber surfacing

  • Jul. 29, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The City of Parksville is seeking to further improve safety and accessibility at the Lions Ventureland Playground.

Manager of communications for the city, Deb Tardiff, advised council a grant to help communities build and improve infrastructure, in efforts to rebound from the effects of the pandemic, could be used to improve accessibility around the Parksville Community Park playground.

Tardiff said city staff have identified the completion of a sidewalk around the perimeter of the playground, approximated to 100 linear metres, and further rubber surfacing of the playground by approximately 370 square metres.

“The playground, as everyone knows, is the centrepiece of the park for years,” said Tardiff at the July 19 council meeting.

READ MORE: Parksville gets $315K for improvements to city’s community park playground

“My understanding it that it’s important for children with different abilities, when they’re using the playground, to be able to go around and determine where it is they’re going to feel most comfortable. It also allows parents with strollers to circumnavigate the playground.”

She said the funding application would be for $400,000, and if successful, would be provided up to 75 per cent, or $300,000.

The city recently received a grant from the Tourism Dependent Communities Fund for $315,000 for a portion of rubber surfacing and additional play equipment.

Hopefully with a quick response on the application, Tardiff said, the proposed improvements could be done in late 2021, or January 2022.

The grant application would be submitted to the Canada Community Revitalization Fund, and administered by Western Economic Diversification Canada.

Coun. Marilyn Wilson’s motion, seconded by Coun. Mark Chandler, to approve the grant application was favourably carried by council.

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