Work continues on the Gertrude Street Bridge over Roger Creek. (ELENA RARDON / ALBERNI VALLEY NEWS)

Work continues on the Gertrude Street Bridge over Roger Creek. (ELENA RARDON / ALBERNI VALLEY NEWS)

City of Port Alberni completes bridge work over Roger Creek

The Gertrude Street bridge has been undergoing repairs since December

Drivers and pedestrians may have noticed some construction work taking place near the Gertrude Street, Stamp Avenue and Roger Street intersection.

This is related to a repair project on the Gertrude Street bridge over Roger Creek. Major construction on the bridge’s deck was completed back in December, and now the city has moved onto the final phase of the project, which involves embankment protection and some missing riprap underneath the bridge.

READ MORE: Bridge work planned for major ‘pinch point’ in Port Alberni

All work will take place beneath the bridge and no significant traffic implications are expected, according to a city news release.

Alberni Valley News