The Quesnel Arts and Recreation Centre will remain open, but classes are cancelled due to updated provincial health measures aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19. (Observer file photo)

City of Quesnel cancels classes in wake of new provincial health orders

The Arts and Recreation Centre will remain open for individual training

  • Mar. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Updated provincial restrictions are changing policies at City of Quesnel buildings, but no closures are planned as of March 29.

The new orders, called a “circuit breaker” by provincial health officials, will run for three weeks and started on Monday, March 29. The new measures include restricting indoor activities at gyms and restaurants.

“These temporary restrictions are in place to limit the amount of physical interactions in order to help reduce the spread of COVID-19,” a city of Quesnel email reads.

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Group classes are not allowed under the new orders. At the Quesnel and District Arts and Recreation Facility aquatics and dryland group fitness training have been suspended. The weight room at the facility is still open for individual workouts or one-on-one training.

“As an additional precaution, facility users are to wear a mask at all times while in our weight room, except when on cardio equipment,” the email notes.

As part of the updated orders, indoor dining and liquor sales are also restricted. A planned relaxation of indoor religious services has also been put on hold.

“We’ve come a great distance but we cannot blow it now,” Premier John Horgan said during a March 29 provincial update. “We need to focus on individual responsibility for the greater good.”

The new restrictions are planned to end on April 19.

READ MORE: B.C. stops indoor dining, fitness, religious service due to COVID-19 spike

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Quesnel Cariboo Observer