William Wallace.

William Wallace.

City of Revelstoke again without a finance director

Newly hired finance director William Wallace resigns before starting the job.

The City of Revelstoke is once again on the hunt for a new Director of Finance after its choice for the position resigned before starting the job.

“After the announcement of his hiring we had further discussions and in hindsight we determined it wasn’t going to be a good fit so he resigned,” said Allan Chabot, the city’s Chief Administrative Officer. He declined to provide any details.

“I’m not going to discuss personnel issues in the public,” Chabot added.

The city announced Wallace’s hiring on Oct. 25. Exactly one month later, they posted a bulletin saying they were once again looking for a finance director.

The turmoil comes while the city works on its 2017-21 financial plan. Mayor Mark McKee said the city was looking at bringing in someone on a short-term basis to help with the budget process. Chabot said Tania McCabe, the deputy director of finance, would be leading the process in the meantime.

“I’m hoping that sometime towards the end of January that we’re going to have a good handle on the direction we’re going,” said McKee.

The city has until May 15 to pass its financial plan.

The city also began the process of replacing Alan Mason, who is retiring as the Director of Community Economic Development at the end of February.



Revelstoke Times Review