City of Revelstoke chooses consultants for troubled intersections

Revelstoke council choose contractor to design new intersections at the Trans-Canada Highway and Victoria Road, and Townley/Fourth/Victoria.

The Trans-Canada Highway intersection is slated for replacement next fall.

The Trans-Canada Highway intersection is slated for replacement next fall.

Coming soon: A plan for an intersection near you.

Revelstoke council has chosen a contractor to prepare a design for the problematic intersections at the Trans-Canada Highway and Victoria Road, and Townley/Fourth/Victoria.

The two intersections have long been problematic, with the former resulting in backed up traffic in the summer, and the latter just being plain confusing.

The city issued a request for proposals earlier this year for engineering consultants to provide design, project management and construction management services for the two projects.

Three proposals were received, and last Tuesday, council voted to give the contract to McElhanney Consulting Services.

The city has budgeted $130,000 for design work on the two intersections, $500,000 to construct a new highway intersection, and $400,000 to construct a new intersection at Fourth and Victoria.

A staff report by city engineer Mike Thomas indicates the costs will likely be higher than budgeted. “Based on comments in the proposals received, the City’s budget for these projects will likely need to be increased, depending on the selected design,” he wrote.

The city plans to pay for the intersections through a mix of grant funding and development cost charges.

The plan calls for consultation and design to take place over the winter and spring, with construction on the Trans-Canada intersection scheduled for fall 2016, and construction on the Fourth and Victoria intersection set for 2017.


Revelstoke Times Review