City of Revelstoke Development Review Committee disbanded

Revelstoke City Council has disbanded the city’s Development Review Committee, which reviewed certain development application proposals.

A side view of proposed new exterior renovations at City Hall. The renovations were discussed at the last sitting of the now disbanded Development Review Committee in February.

A side view of proposed new exterior renovations at City Hall. The renovations were discussed at the last sitting of the now disbanded Development Review Committee in February.

IN BRIEF: Revelstoke City Council has disbanded the city’s Development Review Committee, which reviewed certain development application proposals.

A new process will see all developments under $100,000 referred to staff, while proposals over $100,000 will be referred to city council for review.

The change follows restructuring that amalgamated the former Planning department into the new Development Services department in 2013.

Committee chairperson and city councillor Linda Nixon agreed with the changes, which was finalized with the adoption of a new bylaw at a Mar. 11 council meeting.

The last item of business before the former committee was a proposed sidewalk landscaping renovation on Second Street East as part of ongoing renovations at Revelstoke City Hall.

The proposal calls for new planters, trees and a wheelchair ramp leading to an wheelchair-accessible door into Revelstoke City Hall. The plan is to eventually install a wheelchair-accessible elevator in the old fire hose tower.

Nixon said the plan has been revised from past designs to be more economical.

In an email following our interview, Nixon added that the exterior project is “on hold” at this point.



Revelstoke Times Review