Revelstoke City Council approved updates to the building bylaw. (File photo)

City of Revelstoke updates building bylaw

The original bylaw was adopted in 2003

  • Jul. 14, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Revelstoke city council approved updates to the city’s building bylaw at their July 13 meeting.

There are four major changes to the bylaw, which city staff said has been reviewed by builders and contractors in the area.

The first is integrating the provincial Step Code regulations, which aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, into the bylaw.

“A builder can always exceed these levels when they build, and staff will be identifying incentives with partnerships and the Green Fund Reserve,” said the staff report. “Lots of interest in the industry to achieve these levels and use of incentive programs that are currently offered by Fortis and BC Hydro.”

Fencing requirements for swimming pools have been added to the bylaw.

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Building permit fees will be reduced by 10 per cent, rather than five per cent, when registered professionals are hired to ensure the project follows the building code, reducing the building official’s inspection time.

The fourth major change is the time restrictions on building permits. From now on, when the building permit has been reviewed and is ready to be issued but has not been paid for or picked up within six months, it will be cancelled.

“If there are outstanding items that staff have identified as part of their review that have not been addressed or acknowledged to be addressed by the applicant for a period of six months, then the permit will be cancelled,” said the staff report.

Staff are also working to address the issue of temporary structures in the bylaw with measures such as requiring a building permit, limiting the permit to one year, and requiring a security deposit worth 10 per cent of the value of the building.

Other regulations will be brought forward in the Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan updates, which are currently in the works.

The building bylaw regulates construction within the city to ensure accessibility, conservation of energy and water, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as health, safety and protection of persons or property.

The old bylaw was adopted in May of 2003. There have been five amendments since, with the latest in June of 2019.

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