The City of Surrey is seeking the public’s input on its urban tree strategy. (Tracy Holmes photo)

City of Surrey seeks residents’ input on urban tree strategy

Public engagement will be sought again in the fall, city notes

The City of Surrey is seeking residents’ input on its trees.

In an effort to gather information and opinions on the city’s urban forest management strategy – which governs how trees are managed on public and private land – an online survey has been created.

According to a news release issued Friday, the information collected will be used to develop the new urban forest strategy, which the city says will align with existing policies including the tree protection bylaw; shade tree management plan; natural area management plan; biodiversity conservation strategy and the sustainability charter.

“We are committed to balancing healthy environments and the City’s need for growth and development,” said Mayor Doug McCallum in the release.

“Surrey’s urban tree canopy is one of our greatest resources and we are asking for community input to help shape the City’s Urban Forest Management Strategy. When completed, the strategy will help set a clear course for the future management of trees in Surrey.”

A second round of public engagement is also scheduled for the fall, the city notes.

To take the survey, visit

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