THE CITY of Terrace has tightened its no smoking regulations.

THE CITY of Terrace has tightened its no smoking regulations.

City of Terrace tightens its no smoking regulations

Smoking outside banned within six metres of doorways

The city has adopted an internal smoking policy for the first time.

Council heard that the smoking policy is new and in line with Worksafe BC regulations and the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act and Tobacco and Vapour Control Regulations.

The policy does stipulate no smoking inside its work sites, which includes vehicles, remote offices and immediate outdoor locations, said city human resources manager Briana Pellegrino.

It also recommends that people who do smoke must do so outside a minimum distance of six metres away from doors, windows, air intakes and anything that allows smoke to come into the building, she added.

“This six metre distance is what’s being currently recommended by the Tobacco and Vapour Products Act and Tobacco and Vapour Control Regulations,” said human resources manager Briana Pellegrino.

“Worksafe BC only stipulates the minimum distance required is three metres but they’re looking to review those sections and possibly increase to the six metre minimum distance to meet those requirements that are in place.”

The City of Vancouver’s policy is that the minimum distance be six metres, she added.

“We have received complaints from staff managers regarding smoking in vehicles and too close to doorways.

“This gives us a way of managing that and applying progressive discipline should it be necessary and anything in this policy be violated,” said Pellegrino.

CAO Heather Avison said the city hasn’t had an internal smoking policy before, just an outdoor smoking bylaw.

Councillor Brian Downie asked how outdoor city worksites were being defined.

Pellegrino said the policy is pretty exclusive, and if any additional worksites come into being, they will be included.

Something like the sewage treatment plant, which isn’t technically a building but could be defined as a remote worksite, or outside worksite and something like a public works’ shed would also have the six metre minimum.

Terrace Standard