Trail is asking residents to weigh in on an off-leash dog park through an online survey. Photo: Colleen Flanagan

City of Trail surveys residents for off-leash dog park

Survey will help city determine if the project should be included in its five-year capital plan

The City of Trail is looking for input from the public on an off-leash dog park.

Residents can go online and take a survey that will help the city gauge community support for the project.

In March, Trail resident Glen Byle and supporters visited pet shops around Greater Trail posting posters and petitions in search of support from residents for an off-leash dog park.

He brought forth a petition with over 600 signatures and a delegation to Trail council on May 25 at the Governance and Operations Committee meeting to request that council consider creating a dog park in Trail.

City council agreed and staff worked with WSP to develop a brief and simple survey, which asks residents to choose their preferred site from four locations: Gyro Park, Centennial Park, McBride Street Park, and Bear Creek Park. The survey provides information that gives the size of the various locations, and their respective advantages and disadvantages.

The survey also asks for alternative sites yet to be considered, and for survey takers to rank their priorities for a dog park, before wrapping up with personal info and providing space for comments.

The survey will help the city determine if the project should be included in its five-year capital plan.

For taking the time to complete this survey residents will also have the chance to be entered into a prize draw to win a pet package full of fun for your furry friend.

Go to to participate.

Read: Family petitions for off-leash dog park in Trail

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