City of Vernon wants library bucks

Vernon politicians are urging their regional colleagues to chip in for the library.

Vernon politicians are urging their regional colleagues to chip in for the library.

City council will ask Areas B and C to contribute funds towards furnishings for the Okanagan Regional Library branch.

“We should get some of our money back and save the taxpayers of Vernon money,” said Coun. Bob Spiers.

Because the library is located in Vernon, the city is wholly responsible for the $430,200 cost of furnishings, including tables and shelves.

That’s despite the fact that the branch is also the  main library for Coldstream, Area B and Area C residents.

“There is no requirement for another area to contribute by law,” said Spiers.

However, council decided to ask the electoral areas to voluntarily participate.

“We just need to explain where we are with the matter and give them the opportunity,” said Coun. Patrick Nicol.

Bob Fleming, Area B director, believes the city’s request for funding is legitimate.

“It makes sense given residents from my area use the library,” he said.

“It’s unfair to burden City of Vernon residents as all residents of Greater Vernon use it.”

Fleming admits, though, that his challenge is determining a source of funds for furniture.

“The regional district budget is in the latter stages of being completed and that particular item has not been addressed in there,” he said.



Vernon Morning Star