City of Vernon wants pot regulated

Council wants marijuana controlled and taxed as a way of reducing crime

Vernon politicians have joined the chorus calling for marijuana laws to  be scrapped.

Council voted Tuesday to ask the federal government to regulate cannabis as a way of reducing crime, rationalizing police resources and creating a new source of revenue for communities.

“Prohibition and criminalization hasn’t worked. This is a possibility of a new approach,” said Coun. Bob Spiers.

Mayor Rob Sawatzky also supports legalizing access to marijuana.

“Most well informed people who have studied the issue  have determined prohibition is a failed policy,” he said.

A retired physician, Sawatzky believes decriminalization could lead to better ways of handling addiction.

“Drinking is more open (because it’s legal) and you can deal with alcoholics. It’s difficult to deal with criminals,” he said of treatment programs.

Opposition came from Coun. Brian Quiring.

“I can’t ever support the legalization of marijuana. I’ve seen what it does,” he said.

Quiring says he understands the argument that legalizing marijuana may reduce crime and gang activities, but he still doesn’t believe that route should be followed.

“It’s not good for the community,” he said.

The city’s actions come after a presentation from Stop the Violence B.C.


Vernon Morning Star