The City of White Rock is warning residents to be careful about unscheduled doorstep calls, after reports of salespeople misrepresenting themselves as city workers conducting water tests. STOCK IMAGE

City of White Rock warns of bogus water test visits

Residents report salespeople 'give impression' they are municipal employees

The City of White Rock is warning residents about sales agents who may be misrepresenting themselves as city water-testing staff.

A release issued Friday says the city has recently received calls from residents who say they are being approached by salespeople asking to come into their homes to conduct water tests.

The agents “give the impression that they’re from the city,” but this is not the case, communications manager Donna Kell said.

While the city conducts ongoing water quality tests, staff would never show up on a doorstep without prior communication, she said, particularly during the current COVID-19 pandemic, when safety guidelines are being strictly observed by city workers.

“It is important that you know who is at your door before you let someone enter. This is even more important during the pandemic, when we are urged by the provincial health officer to have only family in our homes.”

Kell said that residents should be suspicious of any unexpected visits from salespeople or individuals claiming to be from a repair company, as they could be burglars checking possessions and security measures.

Before opening the door to a stranger, she said, residents should always ask for identification, and if needed call the company to confirm the identity of the individual.

“Trust your instincts,” she said. “If you don’t feel comfortable opening the door for a particular person – don’t. If in an apartment building, do not let unknown individuals into your building.”

The city also recommends downloading the following brochure on home security from the RCMP:

All data about current water testing is available on the city’s water quality page at

For questions and concerns about water quality, contact or 604-541-2181.

Peace Arch News