Quotes to remediate and repave the city’s portion of the Dog Creek Road to Highway 20 have come in around $430,000, which does not include addressing the underlying water issues. (Monica Lamb-Yorski photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

City of Williams Lake to request provincial funding for Dog Creek Road remediation

Council discussed various options during a special committee of the whole meeting

The city of Williams Lake will request provincial funding to repair the city’s portion of the Dog Creek Road which continues to be plagued by underground water and land slippage issues.

During a special committee of the whole meeting Wednesday, Aug. 4 at noon, council discussed three options proposed by staff.

Council chose the second option, which is to request funding to cover the expense of remediation work on Dog Creek Road until such time as the ground/water slide issues are addressed and if funding is not provided in a timely manner to direct staff to report back to council on the road closure process for Dog Creek Road.

If the city’s portion of the road is closed, drivers would be directed to use other provincial roadways such as Roberts Drive and Bond Lake Road.

An e-mail will be sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure from the city requesting the funding and a response on the matter within 15 days of the receipt of the email.

Cariboo Chilcotin MLA Lorne Doerkson will receive a copy of the email as well.

Last Friday city staff received two quotes of $430,000 from two contractors presently working in the Williams Lake area for the cost of the repaving project.

READ MORE: Williams Lake city council asks for quotes to put temporary asphalt on Highway 20

It would entail grading, compaction, shouldering, paving, traffic control, quality control testing and a temporary centre line.

During the meeting Coun. Scott Nelson appealed to the residents who use Dog Creek Road to contact the provincial government and Cariboo Chilcotin MLA Lorne Doerkson.

“Our council is committed to keep that road open and we need you to help us lobby to provide funding and long-term stability for this road and Highway 20,” Nelson said.

Mayor Walt Cobb said he tries to drive the road once a week to see how bad it is and recommended that the speed limit be reduced, although no decision on the matter was made.

The meeting was open to the public and livestreamed through the city’s YouTube page.

A press release on the matter will be sent out by the city within the next few days.

READ MORE: Cariboo leaders demand temporary asphalt on Highway 20 and Dog Creek Road

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