Insp. Myron Friesen, hired recently to work at the Williams Lake RCMP detachment, has decided to retire. (Photo submitted)

City of Williams Lake’s top cop announces retirement four months into new position

Insp. Myron Friesen started the position on May 28, 2021

Williams Lake RCMP will need a new officer in charge.

Mayor Walt Cobb said during the committee of the whole meeting Tuesday, Sept. 28, Insp. Myron Friesen, who started the position on May 28 of this year, has decided to retire.

“Unfortunately, he’s made the decision to retire and we have to look for a replacement,” Cobb said. “We didn’t even really get to know him.”

Chief administrative office Gary Maraca said Friesen will be finishing soon and wished him the best of luck.

“I know he did some good work in a short period of time,” Muraca said, noting discussions are going on with North District Chief Supt. Warren Brown to try and find a new officer in charge.

Friesen was hired to replaced Insp. Jeff Pelley, who left in April for a position as operations officer with the Kamloops RCMP.

READ MORE: Williams Lake’s new RCMP inspector brings more than 30 years of experience

READ MORE: North District RCMP extend apology for role in residential schools era

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