The Kimberley Civic Centre is open as a cooling off space. Bulletin file.

City opens Civic Centre as a cooling space

The City of Kimberley is asking you to check on your neighbours, friends and family during this extreme heat.

The City of Kimberley is asking you to check on your neighbours, friends and family during this extreme heat.

In addition, for those who do not have air conditioning in their home, the city is opening the Civic Centre as a cooling space for those who need it.

In a Facebook post, the city advised that:

• Civic Centre walking track will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. starting today

• The refuge will be available on the July 1st statutory holiday and until temperatures lower

• Enter through accessible doors near the Splash Park

• Walking track swipe card will not be needed at this time and the door will be unlocked

• A sign in sheet will still be in place for COVID-19 contact tracing. Please follow COVID protocols

• Washrooms will be open on the upper level

• Bleachers will be available for resting

• Staff will be monitoring the building and washrooms on a regular basis

According to Interior Health, What are the symptoms of heat-related illness?

Symptoms of heat-related illness can range from mild to severe and include:

• pale, cool, moist skin

• heavy sweating

• fatigue and weakness

• dizziness and/or fainting

• headache

• muscle cramps

• rash

• swelling, especially hands and feet

• rapid breathing and heart rate

• extreme thirst

• nausea and/or vomiting

• fever, greater than 40 C

• confusion and decreased mental alertness

• hallucinations

• red, hot, dry skin

• seizures

• unconsciousness/coma

How do I treat heat-related illness?

When recognized early, most mild heat-related illnesses can be treated at home. Home treatment for mild heat exhaustion may include:

• move to a cooler and shaded environment

• drink plenty of cool, non-alcoholic fluids event before you feel thirsty

• take a cool shower, bath, or apply a cool cloth on the skin

• rest

• wear lightweight clothing.

If symptoms last longer than one hour, get worse or cause you concern, contact your health care provider.

Heath stroke is a medical emergency. Call 911 if you or a person you are taking care of has high body temperature, confusion, or is unconscious. If possible, move the person to a cool and shaded environment and apply cool water to the skin until help arrives.

READ: Heat wave prompts heat-injury warnings for B.C.’s outdoor workers

READ: Heat wave marked by unusually high night time temperatures

carolyn.grant@kimberleybulletin.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Kimberley Bulletin