The Skeena River in Terrace, pictured on June 2 at around 1 p.m. The Skeena River has been upgraded to a Flood Watch, according to the BC River Forecast Centre. (Dan McGuire/Terrace Standard)

City opens emergency ops centre

Rising Skeena River waters heighten city flood readiness

The City of Terrace has opened its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) as Skeena River water levels continue to rise.

“It is important to note that opening the EOC does not mean a declaration of a local state of emergency; however, it does prepare the city in the event that one is required,” a city release early this evening indicated.

Latest provincial data shows water levels could reach 10- to 20-year flows thanks to continuous rain and snow melting in the mountains.

City staff are keeping an eye on areas prone to flooding.’

Ferry Island was closed to day users and overnight camping earlier today as water levels began to creep up. Also close was the Fisherman’s Park boat launch on the Terrace side of the Kalum River Bridge west of the city.

There are also reports of water reaching the level of one of the CN rail bridges west of town.

Updates are to be made available at this site and on its Facebook page and Twitter account. An information phone line is to be installed tomorrow.

Terrace Standard