City pursuing money through BikeBC’s new grant cycle

The pedestrian bridge garnered an $800,000 grant last year and remains eligible until the grant cycle closes next week.

With the Columbia River Skywalk well underway, the city is hoping more money trickles toward Trail this year.

The new bridge garnered an $800,000 grant through BikeBC last year and remains eligible for the current provincial grant cycle which closes next week.

“The mayor and I were in Victoria in discussions with the ministry and were advised to make an application again this year,” David Perehudoff, Trail’s chief administrative officer, explained during Tuesday night council.

“And we are hopeful we are successful again, recognizing the significance of the project and the significant link to the Old Trail Bridge, (given) the ministry cannot provide funding for the demolition costs,” he added. “So hopefully they will consider this in the context of the BikeBC grant and the major costs associated with the Columbia River Skywalk.”

BikeBC assists local governments by funding 50 per cent of eligible projects up to a maximum of $1 million. The program falls under the realm of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) for ventures that are shelf ready and capable of completion within one year of funding.

Perehudoff was seeking Trail council’s approval to apply by the April 8 submission deadline.

“The project meets the criteria the ministry set out that is, basically, new infrastructure that promotes transportation for commuter cycling, helps reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, and provides a safe cycling environment,” he noted.

Council unanimously passed the motion.

The city currently has an agreement with the MoTI through BikeBC to provide up to a maximum of $800,000 of 50 per cent of total eligible project costs (doesn’t include administration, overhead or landscaping) for the pedestrian bridge. Costs for the grant must be incurred during the period of May 2015 to Sept. 21 this year.

Trail Daily Times