City receives money to redevelop former mill site

The City of Terrace has received $40,000 from the provincial government to start redevelopment on the old Keith Ave. mill site.

  • Sep. 1, 2011 7:00 a.m.

The City of Terrace has received $40,000 from the provincial government to start redevelopment on the old Keith Ave. mill site.

A press release from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operation said the province is providing the money to start up environmental investigation on the site.

The money comes from The Brownfield Renewal Funding Program, a provincial program designed to help reclaim brownfields in cities across B.C.

Brownfeilds are abandoned, vacant, derelict or unused commercial and industrial properties, where past actions have resulted in potential contamination.

The report states that these sites have great potential for redevelopment when the issue of contamination is addressed, and the former mill site is one of 16 successful projects around B.C.

Terrace Standard