Work continues on repairing city streets this week. This crew was spotted working early Tuesday morning on Second Avenue. Work continues on the Borland Street project as well.

Work continues on repairing city streets this week. This crew was spotted working early Tuesday morning on Second Avenue. Work continues on the Borland Street project as well.

City road repair work continues

The city’s road repair work continues this week in the lakecity.

  • Aug. 20, 2014 2:00 p.m.

The city’s road repair work continues this week.

Installation of storm sewer pipes and road base gravels at the east end of the project area was completed last week, reports Ken MacInnis, city communications co-ordinator.

This week work will resume on the east end of the project, completing miscellaneous utility work.

Later in the week, work will transfer to the west (Fourth Avenue) end of the project with the removal of asphalt.

It is expected that Borland Street will be closed at Fourth Avenue in the latter half of the week.

Access to the provincial building and the RCMP detachment will be available via Seventh Avenue.

Businesses on the south side of Borland Street can be accessed from the lane off Seventh Avenue.

Residents are also reminded that repaving of Second Avenue between Oliver Street and Gibbon Street and on Pigeon Avenue between 11th Avenue and Western Avenue was expected to begin at 6 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 16.

This work is anticipated to take up to two weeks.

Paving will begin on Second Avenue near Oliver Street.

No parking will be permitted on the affected sections of Second and Pigeon Avenues, and there will be traffic delays.

The city appreciates residents’ patience as the street is resurfaced, says MacInnis.

Williams Lake Tribune