Cranbrook city hall.

Cranbrook city hall.

City seeking budget, services feedback through survey

The city wants to know how satisfied residents are with service levels and budget planning.

The city wants to know how satisfied residents are with service levels and budget planning.

With that in mind, a survey is now available for citizens to provide feedback on a wide range of topics that will be used to help shape the 2021 budget discussions.

The survey features 27 questions designed to solicit input on city services, taxation and community living, and will be available until June 30th.

“I am pleased that we have provided this survey to the citizens of Cranbrook. It is important to the Council and staff that we know what the citizens of Cranbrook are thinking and what they would like to see,” said Mayor Lee Pratt.

“We are looking forward to the results of the survey and discussing ideas around it,” says Mayor Pratt, adding, “I hope people will take the time to complete the survey and let us know if there are areas of concern so we can address them going forward in our planning for the future.”

While the survey is useful as a way to gather public input, it will also serve as a way to help educate the public about the challenges council and staff face during the budgeting process.

“This survey represents an important step in the City’s budget process. The results will provide insight into how residents feel about the current allocation of tax dollars and other important issues,” said Charlotte Osborne, Director of Finance for the City. “This information will help Council and staff as they undertake the development of the 2021 – 2025 Five Year Financial Plan starting in September.”

trevor.crawley@cranbrooktownsman.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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