Cranbrook. Townsman file photo.

Cranbrook. Townsman file photo.

City seeking feedback through citizen satisfaction survey

The City of Cranbrook is creating a survey to determine resident satisfaction and expectation in regard to services, which will be used to inform the budget process for next year.

The City of Cranbrook is creating a survey to determine resident satisfaction and expectation in regard to services, which will be used to inform the budget process for next year.

It will feature 27 questions aimed at soliciting feedback on community livability, core services, balancing taxes and demographics. The survey will also serve a dual purpose, both to collect citizen input as well as an educational tool to inform residents about the challenges of allocating city funding.

The survey will be available for the month of June, and results will be circulated with council and city department leaders ahead of the fall budget planning sessions.

Typically during the budgeting process, public feedback is encouraged after meetings are held between council and staff or draft plans are produced. The survey intends to collect information ahead of that process which can be used to inform the budgeting discussions, according to a staff report.

The survey is expected to be available on the city’s website and social media channels by June 1.

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