Baker St. in Cranbrook. Trevor Crawley photo.

City seeks public input for creation of downtown revitalization plan

What does downtown revitalization look like?

What does downtown revitalization look like?

That’s the question council and staff are asking themselves and the wider community, as a review of the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan will inform future planning, development and redevelopment of the downtown core.

Out of that process, the city is hoping to create a Downtown Revitalization Master Plan.

“This process will allow the City to take a comprehensive look at the downtown from a land use, infrastructure, social and cultural perspectives with a goal to develop a vision and plan on how the City wants downtown to look and feel moving into the future,” says Rob Veg, Manager of Planning for the City of Cranbrook.

Revitalization is a process that takes time and deliberate planning, according to the city. It is a step-by-step process that includes background research, evaluation of current conditions, and crafting a realistic vision of the future. Key principles include restoring existing charm and retaining what’s been done right, while improving and refreshing anything that needs changing.

A master plan is a long term planning document with a conceptual layout that guides future growth and development of an identified area. It will incorporate analysis, recommendations and proposals for the downtown economy, population, housing, transportation, land use and community facilities.

It is based on public input, planning initiatives, existing development, physical characteristics and social and economic conditions.

For more information, or to get involved with the project, visit the city’s website.

Cranbrook Townsman