City settles with former manager

Jay Teichroeb to be awarded settlement following departure

Jay Teichroeb will be awarded settlement following his departure from city hall.

Jay Teichroeb will be awarded settlement following his departure from city hall.

The city will pay out nearly $100,000 to the former general manager of economic development following a wrongful dismissal suit, according to information obtained by the Abbotsford News under the Freedom of Information Act.

Jay Teichroeb filed a lawsuit against the city in June, alleging he was dismissed from city hall without proper cause.

The document states that Teichroeb will receive $95,000 – less 30 per cent deduction for the Canadian Revenue Agency – for settlement/compensation.

Teichroeb’s lawsuit states the city dismissed him with cause for an alleged “breach of fidelity,” stating that he had authorized a property developer to start construction without a building permit.

Teichroeb denied the claim, alleging his dismissal was not based on the city’s honest belief in the allegations, but was part of an “improper course of conduct designed to dismiss the senior employees of the (City of Abbotsford).”

Teichroeb left the city around the same time as finance manager Pat Soanes, followed shortly after by manager of bylaw enforcement, Gordon Ferguson.

Separate documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act in August show that Soanes received $101,187.29 upon leaving the city, with $88,550.56 of the total as a settlement. Ferguson received $28,102.54 and of that amount, $15,954.40 is listed under wages in lieu of notice.

At the time of his departure, Teichroeb received $18,796.79 from areas such as vacation pay and remaining wages, but according to the documents, Teichroeb did not receive any settlement agreement or wages in lieu of notice.

In 2012, Teichroeb was the third-highest paid staff member at city hall, making $205,669 that year. Soanes received $185,809 last year, and Ferguson was paid $106,119.

The city declined the opportunity to comment on the issue.

Abbotsford News