Just in time for summer, the Mount Baker RV Park in downtown Cranbrook has reopened.

City still seeking formal feedback on future of Mount Baker RV Campground

The city is still seeking feedback on the future of the Mount Baker RV Campground, as the April 15 deadline looms.

The city is still seeking feedback on the future of the Mount Baker RV Campground, as the April 15 deadline looms.

Specifically, staff and elected officials are soliciting Expressions of Interest, a formal proposal for the future use of the space, which is not being used as a campground this year due to a number of factors.

Since the news was first announced earlier this month, the public response through formal Expressions of Interest has been less than anticipated.

“Since we opened this process to the public on March 11, the response has been less than anticipated,” says Ron Fraser, Director of Engineering and Development Services. “We know the future of the campground is a big topic of discussion in the community with lots of ideas and debate happening on social media, and it’s important that these ideas be formally submitted so that Council can consider them in deciding next steps for the space.”

Documentation for a formal Expression of Interest must be filled out and submitted to city hall, where proposals will be presented to city council for review and to decide next steps based on the best community benefit. Considerations for the future use of the RV campground will include values such as cultural, social, aesthetic or sustainability benefits, downtown vibrancy, job creation, financial or tax revenue.

“I really encourage those who are making suggestions on social media, to instead focus on sharing those ideas directly with us and Council. Making a submission this way is not an onerous process, but it is vitally important to ensuring Council hears clearly from the public,” Fraser said.

City council decided not to operate the campground this year, following the expiry of the current operating contract. Council’s decision also factored in the current operator’s intention no longer operate the site.

The campground has significant underground infrastructure issues that require major repairs and replacement, including water, sewer, electrical, washrooms and updated site configurations.

Those costs are estimated to come in at $1.3 million to complete, while the city receives less than $30,000 annually in revenue from the campground while in operation.

Completed Expressions of Interest forms can be emailed to Fraser or paper copies can be dropped off at city hall before 2 p.m. on April 15th.

Cranbrook Townsman