Princess Avenue from Young Road to Nowell Street, seen here on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020, is one of two streets City of Chilliwack council is considering converting to one-way traffic to help increase parking in the area. (Jenna Hauck/ Chilliwack Progress)

City survey accepting feedback now on one-way traffic changes for Chilliwack

It's under consideration to create more on-street parking in the downtown core. Do you agree?

A survey on converting two downtown side streets near Five Corners to one-way traffic is open for comments.

City of Chilliwack is looking at the various options to increase on-street parking, and they’re asking for feedback on the changes.

RELATED: City looks to increase street parking downtown

Under consideration is converting sections of Princess and Victoria avenues into one-way streets going east from Young Road to Nowell Street.

The idea to make Victoria Avenue one-way only was already being studied by staff to create 18 new angle parking spots, when Algra Bros. asked them to consider also making Princess Avenue a one-way east of Young Road as well.

That would facilitate access to their new development and create 18 new parallel parking stalls on Princess Avenue, where there is no on-street parking as the street is is too narrow.

“We are gathering feedback from property owners, tenants, businesses and visitors in three phases,” according to the project update page.

In phase 1 city officials met virtually with property owners, tenants and business operators within these areas to hear what they think about the potential traffic changes.

RELATED: Business community will offer input

Now they’re in phase 2, which focuses on the survey, and based on the feedback received, a staff report should come back to council in the new year.

Take the survey to offer your opinion after registering, or signing in, with the city’s new engagement platform.

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