City to hear proposal for FortisBC development

Major Ootischenia construction a future possibility

  • Aug. 10, 2012 8:00 p.m.

Included on the August 13 Castlegar City Council Meeting agenda, will apparently be an item relating to the construction of an operations centre by FortisBC.

Ootischenia is the intended site of the sizable project, specifically, 120 Ooteschenia Road.

FortisBC spokesperson Michael Allison says office space of 30,000 square feet and storage space of about half that amount will be part of the arrangement if all goes ahead. Mr. Allison was responding to a phone inquiry from the Castlegar News, and also indicated that a public open house is planned for August 29 at the Castlegar Community Complex.

“Our focus is really on reaching out to the community and getting their input on this project,” said Allison, adding that he was unsure of how long the project had been in development.

“We still have to get approval for this project to go ahead.”


Castlegar News