City to plant tree in founder’s memory

John Jeffery will be honoured with a tree and a plaque in Douglas Park, mayor announces

  • Feb. 8, 2013 7:00 p.m.
A tree will be planted in Douglas Park in memory of John Jeffery, one of the founding father's of the City of Langley. He passed away on Jan. 19 at the age of 91.

A tree will be planted in Douglas Park in memory of John Jeffery, one of the founding father's of the City of Langley. He passed away on Jan. 19 at the age of 91.

One of the City of Langley’s founding fathers will be memorialized in a park that has a historical connection to his family.

On Monday evening, Mayor Peter Fassbender announced that a tree will be planted in Douglas Park in memory of John Jeffery, who died on Jan. 19 at the age of 91.

Jeffery was instrumental in the formation of Langley City in 1955 and sat as an Alderman on its first council. When the Jeffery family moved to British Columbia from Saskatchewan, they purchased property on what was then Langley Prairie. A portion of that land bordered what is now Douglas Park.

“A tree is a symbol of life . . . a living reminder of his presence in the community,” said Fassbender.

He recalled “jousting” with Jeffery over various issues, saying that although the two men didn’t always agree, they both had the community’s best interest at heart.

Jeffery’s son Bryce — joined by his wife and daughter — attended the council meeting for the announcement and spoke on behalf of his father.

“I know he would be thrilled to have a tree in Douglas Park offered to him.

“It means a lot to the family,” said Bryce.

No date has been set for the tree planting.

Langley Times