City, USW to return to table for one day of mediation July 27

Mediation necessary to reach agreement on essential service levels, but contract discussion is also possible

Bargaining between the City of Kimberley and the United Steelworkers has broken off.f

Bargaining between the City of Kimberley and the United Steelworkers has broken off.f

Steelworkers Local 1-405 and the City of Kimberley are returning to the bargaining table on Wednesday, July 27 for one day of negotiations with mediator Grant MacArthur from the Labour Relations Board. Both sides say efforts will be made to finalize the essential services levels, but that the potential is there to also discuss the actual agreement and perhaps come to a resolution.

The City has asked for essential services designation for workers in water treatment, RCMP clerical staff,  and snow plowing staff among others. The two sides have not been able to agree on numbers so the City requested a return to mediation and the union agreed.

“Both the USW and the City are attempting to reach an Essential Services agreement in the event of a work stoppage and have not been able to agree on the levels needed,” said lead negotiator Jeff Bromley in a press release.

“The City asked that the mediator get back involved to issue an order on the Essential Service levels and at the same time, to have the mediator come back to take an attempt at a mediated settlement to reach a collective agreement.

“The Union agreed to meet and hopes that the City will return to mediation with a fresh look and no concessions.

“The Bargaining Committee will have updates for the membership once the mediation process has completed.”

At the negotiating table for the membership are Grant Farquhar (Committee Chair), Alison Lafortune, Dave (Red) Oscarson, Ilo Van Gilder and Duane Hunt along with Jeff Bromley, Business Agent/Financial Secretary of Local 1-405 and lead negotiator.



Kimberley Daily Bulletin