City’s quarterly report highlights successes, delays

Signs of progress marked by delays in social housing

The last quarter of 2011 was marked by a new economic development strategy for the City of Victoria.

The city can also boast high participation in a garbage-collection survey, and full tenancy in the chronically empty retail units attached to the Victoria Conference Centre.

Between October and December, the city also held an election and signed a new collective agreement with its workers.

City manager Gail Stephens began presenting progress reports to council on a quarterly basis in 2011.

The report also outlines delayed initiatives.

The Corporate Carbon Neutral Plan has been delayed and has a new deadline of April.

On hold indefinitely is the city’s affordable housing project at 120 Gorge Rd. Since purchasing the old motel in 2010, the building has sat empty.

“Uncertainty regarding future ownership model means that timelines for many project phases are now unknown,” according to the report.



Victoria News