City’s seniors can help to prevent crime

NANAIMO – Four seminars inform seniors how to keep their persons and property safe.

  • Oct. 11, 2013 11:00 a.m.

City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation and Culture and the Nanaimo RCMP are hosting a free seniors’ crime prevention seminar.

The event happens Friday (Oct. 18) from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Bowen Park Recreation Center, 500 Bowen Rd.

Four presentations throughout the morning include a seminar on personal safety, addressing how to stay safe in your home, in your community and while travelling. Nanaimo RCMP’s victim services will also explore the issue of elder abuse and what can be done about this nature of crime that often goes unreported.

A session on frauds and scams will look at door to door salesmen and a variety of scams such as the grandson scam, romance, inheritance and lotto frauds.

Lang Evans from the B.C. Securities Commission will also give a presentation on investments, titled Be Fraud Aware, which will touch on the warning signs of a risky investment, how to better understand these investments and what questions to ask.

“All of the presenters are knowledgeable, current in their fields and more importantly, are committed to ensuring seniors are safe and kept apprised on issues that impact them,” said Const. Gary O’Brien,  Nanaimo RCMP spokesman.

There is no charge to attend, but seating is limited.

Please phone 250-755-7501 for more information or to register.

Nanaimo News Bulletin