Claremont students making the rounds for 10,000 Tonight

Students taking part in 10,000 Tonight food drive set for Thursday

Members of Claremont’s Grade 11-12 leadership class are behind the school’s first 10,000 Tonight food drive. The group has recruited other Claremont groups and sports teams for the Dec. 15 community food drive in Broadmead, Royal Oak and Cordova Bay.

Members of Claremont’s Grade 11-12 leadership class are behind the school’s first 10,000 Tonight food drive. The group has recruited other Claremont groups and sports teams for the Dec. 15 community food drive in Broadmead, Royal Oak and Cordova Bay.

A group of leadership students at Claremont secondary are bringing a one-night, intensive food drive to the school’s surrounding neighbourhoods in Saanich.

It’s called 10,000 Tonight, and the leadership students are assembling more than 100 volunteers made up of students from Claremont sports teams and clubs, teachers, parents and school alumni, all to collect food on Thursday night.

“We wanted to do something and we heard that the leadership students at Belmont secondary do this every year,” said Grade 11 Abby Brown of Claremont. “We invited two Belmont students to visit us and present the initiative, and now we’re going to do it too.”

The goal is to collect 10,000 pieces of non-perishable food items and donate them to the Mustard Seed Food Bank.

The evening starts at 5:30 p.m. at Claremont. The group will canvas Broadmead, Royal Oak and Cordova Bay.

“We’re handing out flyers ahead of time in the neighbourhoods we’re visiting to let people know we’re coming, and that if they’re not home, maybe they can leave out a couple of cans of food.”

For more information visit Claremont’s 10,000 Tonight Facebook page.


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