Clark, Coleman ready to fight

Premier speaks at Coleman appreciation barbecue in Langley

B.C. Premier Christy Clark spoke at Fort Langley-Aldergrove MLA Rich Coleman’s appreciation barbecue in Langley on Sunday.

B.C. Premier Christy Clark spoke at Fort Langley-Aldergrove MLA Rich Coleman’s appreciation barbecue in Langley on Sunday.

The next provincial election isn’t until May 14, 2013, but that isn’t stopping Premier Christy Clark and her deputy, Rich Coleman, from full-fledged preparations.

Coleman, who is the BC Liberals’ campaign chair, invited Clark to his annual supporters’ appreciation barbecue at the farm of Dixie and Roy Jacobson on Sunday, and she was the centre of attention for most of the 600 or so in attendance.

Both emphasized the election readiness of the BC Liberals and the fight they expect with the NDP, who have been leading in opinion polls for many months.

“We are well-positioned and ready to go,” Coleman said.

“I urge you to look past the fluff of what the media says and look at the person. She deserves to be elected as premier in 2013.”

“Our coalition believes in one thing — the power of free enterprise,” said Clark.

“The power of a thriving private enterprise economy lifts everybody up. It makes sure our kids have opportunity.

“No one reminds us of that better in caucus than Rich Coleman.

“To him I say, ‘Big guy, you’ve really made a difference,’” she said.

Clark acknowledged that it’s a “hard job” as premier, and “unrewarding a lot of the time.

“You get beat up every day.”

She said she tried to weigh the risks and rewards as she considered running for the Liberal leadership in 2011, but said ultimately she thought of the example she was setting for her son.

“What kind of example was I setting if I run away from a challenge?

“That ultimately was the reason I decided to run.”

Langley Times