Clearwater business helps student travellers

Moose Camp Fishing Resort owner John Meyers offered to pay the whole cost

  • Oct. 9, 2013 9:00 a.m.

Raft River Elementary School students Morgan Dobi and Haliya Arduini received an unexpected and pleasant surprise when they spoke to Clearwater town council on Oct. 1.

The pair asked for funding for the Grade 7 class to attend a Me To We Day to be held Oct. 18 in Vancouver.

After they were finished speaking Moose Camp Fishing Resort owner John Meyers spoke from the audience and offered to pay the whole cost.

The Me to We Day event will be held in Rogers Arena in Vancouver. Speakers are to include former United Nations secretary general Kofi Anan, lieutenant-general Romeo Dallaire, the Kenyan Boys Choir, and international activists Craig and Marc Kielberger.

Parks and Recreation recommendations get support

Council approved all three recommendations put forward by the Parks and Recreation Committee of the Whole.

The first directed staff to explore the financial feasibility of a staff position for the community recreation/healthy living program. This would include cultural and special events.

During discussion at the committee Mayor John Harwood had reported that people outside the community are very impressed with the program.

Council also directed staff to explore the possibility of hosting eight summer music evening events at the Dutch Lake School field. Start-up funds of up to $5,000 were allocated from the grant-in-aid budget.

The third recommendation to get the go-ahead was to direct staff to investigate funding opportunities and grants for municipal park designs for Bampton Park.

Public works superintendent Jared Brounstein outlined the importance of considering the ideas generated from the community for Bampton Park and recommended hiring the services of a landscape architect.

Trail plan deferred

Council turned down a recommendation from chief administrative office Leslie Groulx that staff be directed to bring forward the development of a trail master plan as priority #5 in the strategic plan.

The motion was defeated because councillors felt staff members already have enough on their plates.


The intention had been to develop terms of reference as a guide for a task force that would move forward in the development of a community trail network plan.



Clearwater Times