Clearwater company gets contract

Clearwater town council has voted to award a $33,000 contract to On Call Construction and Contracting

Clearwater town council has voted to award a $33,000 contract to On Call Construction and Contracting to complete an organics removal for the town’s rapid infiltration basins.

The vote was made during council’s April 19 meeting.

Two rapid infiltration basins for Clearwater’s sewer system were put into operation in 2010, chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx said in a report to council.

Since then, however, neither basin has been drained nor cleaned out of the accumulated organics.

The basin bottoms should be disked and the organic matter removed periodically, Groulx said.

Otherwise there is a risk of early failure of the basins.

A budget estimate was for $18,000. However, an invitation to quote sent to the two contractors in the community with the capability to do the work, On Call and Borrow Enterprises, resulted in bids that were considerably above the estimate.

The On Call bid was the lower of the two.

The extra money needed to pay for the project will come from the sewer reserve fund.

Minor ball gets support

Town council approved waiving the fees for Clearwater Minor Ball to use Capostinsky Ball Park.

Slow Pitch Ball will continue to pay fees, which were set at $500.

The recommendation to waive the fees came from the council’s recreation committee.


Clearwater Times