Kiah and Jaden Phillips make the crowd laugh as they dance to the music using baby half-puppets.

Kiah and Jaden Phillips make the crowd laugh as they dance to the music using baby half-puppets.

Clearwater youth show they have talent

A total of 24 young people show their skills in Clearwater's Got Talent show

The sixth annual Clearwater’s Got Talent show at Clearwater Secondary School on Thursday evening, May 3, was another outstanding success.

A total of 24 aspiring musicians, dancers, comedians and other performers took part in 18 different acts for the large audience.

READ MORE: Improv skit wins first place (May 14, 2014)

First place for elementary school student individual act went to Tianna Morgan, who danced to the song “Havana.”

Kiah and Jaden Phillips took first place for elementary school students group act with their hilarious routine that involved half-puppets dancing to various pieces of music.

First place for secondary school student individual act went to Grayson Panko for his singing and guitar playing. Panko also acted as the event MC.

Guitarists Wyatt and Chris Dame took home the prize for best act in the secondary school student group category.

The talent show was part of this year’s Youth Week activities in Clearwater. Coming up on Tuesday, May 8, will be the Clearwater Carnage Skooter, Sk8 and Bike Competition, which will be held at Rotary Sports Park, starting at 5 p.m.

READ MORE: Clearwater Carnage slideshow (May 5, 2013)

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