A previous rally for climate change was held at Spirit Square on Sept. 21, 2014. Organizers have called people to gather again at the square tomorrow at 1 p.m. and rally in support of the Paris climate talks.

A previous rally for climate change was held at Spirit Square on Sept. 21, 2014. Organizers have called people to gather again at the square tomorrow at 1 p.m. and rally in support of the Paris climate talks.

Climate rally set for Sunday in Spirit Square

People in cities and towns across the globe will hold rallies ahead of Monday's UN Global Climate Conference

Thoughts of Paris these days are associated with painful and disturbing events.

But the UN Global Climate Conference, which begins in Paris on Monday, Nov. 30, is a time for hope for many people: hope that leaders from around the world can come together and forge a new climate plan to decrease global carbon emissions and thereby limit climate change.

In so doing, organizers and supporters believe, they will set the stage for a more peaceful and liveable world.

People in cities and towns across the globe will hold rallies tomorrow (Nov. 29), the day before the conference begins, to celebrate this hope and show support, and Campbell River is taking part. The Campbell River chapter of Council of Canadians and the Quadra Island chapter of Sierra Club are together organizing a People’s Climate March, on Nov. 29 at Spirit Square, Campbell River.  Beginning at 1 p.m., it won’t be a long event (it could be cold), but it will be fun. There will be a First Nations opening ceremony; new MP Rachel Blaney will give a short talk and so will Michele Babchuk, acting Mayor of Campbell River. There will be music and a sing-along.  And, there will be a hot beverage for all those who bring cups.

Everyone is encouraged to join in this celebrate of hope for the future. Bring yourselves, your families and friends; bring signs or wear costumes that state your message to our leaders for your vision of a better world.  There will be a grand “selfie” of the group taken which will be posted alongside hundreds of others and shown at the Climate Summit in Paris. Finally, weather-permitting, there will be a march down Shoppers Row.

Call Cathy (250) 285-2779 or email Rich  surfdust@telus.net for more information.


Campbell River Mirror