View of Rogers Peak on July 19, 2021. (Tim van der Krogt-Revelstoke Review)

Climber found dead in Glacier National Park

Parks safety crews have been called out on five rescues in the last nine days

  • Jul. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A missing climber was found dead in Glacier National Park, July 19.

According to a statement from Parks Canada, the solo-climber was reported missing by their emergency contact on July 18. Safety crews responded to the call and did a helicopter search of the area, however the search was called off for the night.

The next morning, with additional information from videos and images the climber had sent to family and friends, Parks staff were able to narrow down the search area, however, the climber was found dead on Rogers Peak.

READ MORE: Revelstoke Search and Rescue asks people to stay out of the backcountry

The RCMP and BC Coroners Service are conducting investigations into the incident.

“Parks Canada offers its condolences to the family and friends of the climber,” said Shelley Bird, Parks Canada information officer, in an email.

This was one of five search and rescue operations in the last nine days in Mt. Revelstoke and Glacier National Park, three of which were technical long-line rescues. So far this year the crew has done at total of 14 search and rescue operations.

By comparison, the safety crew did 17 search and rescue operations in 2020, 25 in 2019 and 16 in 2018.

Parks Canada announced a backcountry closure in Mt. Revelstoke National Park today, due to extreme fire risk.

READ MORE: Backcountry closed in Mt. Revelstoke National Park

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