Clinton Council Briefs

From the March 9 Clinton Council meeting.

From the Village of Clinton Council meeting on March 9.

Present: Mayor Roland Stanke and councillors Daniella Dyck, Margaret James, Marian Nelson and Bonnie Stanke.

Economic Development goals

CAO Heidi Frank reported on the goals for 2011 for the Clinton and District Economic Development Society and the recent restructuring into committees for various projects.With subdivision development and business retention/expansion being high priorities, the Society has recognised the lack of available land within the Village. In order to promote the Village there needs to be land appraisals and a determination of who is willing to sell. The Village owns approximately nine acres (former hospital lands) which it could sell or have developed. Council passed a motion that the municipal owned lands be appraised and/or assessed for value and to determine the cost of having the land serviced if that is provided for in the budget.

West Fraser Drug Testing

After much discussion, council approved a motion to charge West Fraser Mills a rental fee for the use of rooms in the Village Office while it carries out its annual drug testing program. Use of the rooms had been free in the past. Coun. Stanke voted against the motion.

Convention Attendance

Councillors Stanke and Dyck will attend the SILGA Convention in Merrit on May 4-6 while councillors Nelson and James will attend the BC Rural Summit in Williams Lake, also in May.Legion request to waive feesAt the Feb. 23 regular council meeting, council deferred the Legion’s request to waive the fees for the use of the hall for its 65th anniversary celebrations due to a conflict of interest for two of the three councillors in attendance who are on the Legion executive.When it was brought back to the table on March 9, Mayor Stanke and Coun. Stanke excused themselves, as they are both on the Legion executive. With Coun. James chairing, and after much discussion, a motion was passed to offer the Legion the reduced rental fee for non-profit groups as per the fees bylaw.

Grant writing support funding

The Board of the Northern Development Initiative Trust advised that they were pleased to offer a rebate grant of $7,500 toward a community grant writing position.

Earth Hour

Council passed a motion to participate in the WWF Earth Hour on Saturday, March 26 from 8:30-9:30 pm.During question period they were challenged to do something that would see residents turn out their lights and get outdoors and do something. Council discussed having a bon fire in the park during that period of time. They will discuss it with staff and come up with something it involve Clinton residents.

Mayor reports on activities

Mayor Stanke provided a report on the activities that he has attended or participated in during the months of January and February. He said he would be providing this from now on to give some idea of how busy he is on behalf of the village.


Coun. Stanke reported on the branding conference she attended at 108 Mile for the South Cariboo area. She recommended that the Village of Clinton pursue all avenues for funding and try to budget matching funds to undertake our own branding.Council authorized staff to obtain estimates of costs for the branding process and to investigate possible facilitators.

Talking DIRT-y

Coun. Nelson reported that the Clinton Communities in Bloom Committee would like to present the documentary Talking DIRT-y on Apr. 17 to kick off Pitch in Canada Week. She recommended that the Village donate the use of the hall for this, as it is open to the public. Council agreed.The Clinton CiB will be doing a presentation this month in Cache Creek to inspire the town to enter the 2011 Communities in Bloom competition.

Next meeting

The next meeting is March 23 at 7 pm.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal