Clinton Council Briefs

Notes from the regular council meeting of June 22.

by Susan Swan

Notes from the regular council meeting of June 22.

In attendance: Mayor Roland Stanke and councillors Daniella Dyck, Margaret James, Marian Nelson and Bonnie Stanke.

Man in Motion The Village of Clinton approved a public luncheon at the Clinton Memorial Hall during the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay on March 28, 2012 between 12:45-1:45 pm.

Community Forest Committee

Council appointed Coun. Dyck as the liaison to the Community Forest Committee that consists of retired Forester Robin Fennell, Steve Law, RPF and CAO Heidi Frank.

The Village has been invited to apply for a community forest. The application period has a nine-month time frame.

Annual Report

The Annual Report 2010/2011/2012 has been available for public comment and since no comments were received, Council gave it final approval.

Motor Home Club

The Village received a request from a motor home club for a space to park 25 to 30 units and a 20’ by 40’ meal tent. A venue with a hall or shelter for cooking would also be needed. Council directed staff to forward the correspondence to the Economic Development Society for consideration.

Fortis Franchise Agreement

Council authorized CAO Frank to sign an amending agreement between the Village of Clinton and FortisBC Energy Inc. to extend the term of the Franchise Agreement from July 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012.

Texas 4000

The Clinton and District Lions Club has received a request from the Texas 4000 Bike Tour group to again host them as they tour through Clinton. They will be arriving July 31 in the afternoon. They are staying at Clinton Pines Campground for the night. Council granted the use of Reg Conn Centennial Park for the Lions Club to host a picnic supper for the group.

Connected Classrooms

Speaking to a notice from from Gold Trail School District regarding receipt of $12,500 through the Growing Innovations Program, Coun. Dyck explained the Connected Classroom Program. If there are only one or two students who wish to take a certain subject, she said, they could take it through video conferencing with other classroom where that particular subject is offered. This way students can get the courses they may need without doing it on their own through distance learning. With Connected Classrooms there is a teacher available through the video conference to assist the student.

Smart Meters

Council received for information an outline of the steps being taken by BC Hydro to replace all hydro meters in the province with ‘smart meters’. A Clinton resident advised during question period that the Village should research these before agreeing to this being done in Clinton and some components of the new meters have been shown to be carcinogenic. Mayor Stanke advised him that this is a provincial initiative and the Village really has no say over what BC Hydro will do.

Grant Unsuccessful

Council received notification that their application to the Towns for Tomorrow grant program with regard to the municipal office greening project was unsuccessful.

Community Garden

The Village has on file two letters from Susan Swan, Co-chair of the Clinton Communities in Bloom Committee regarding the proposed community garden project. Attached was a copy of the Membership Agreement each person using the community gardener will be required to read and sign.

Civic Pride Week

Following a request from the Clinton Communities in Bloom Committee, Council agreed to declare July 9-15 as ‘Civic Pride Week’.

The NASA Research group arrives in Clinton on July 16 and the Communities in Bloom judges arrive on July 21.

Civic Pride Week is to encourage all residents and business owners to do some extra tidying up of their properties before these visitors arrive. This should benefit the community as a whole and give a more pleasing impression of the community.

Mutual Aid

Following some discussion as to when and why it had come about, Council agreed unanimously to enter into a Mutual Aid Firefighting Assistance Agreement with the Loon Lake Fire Department.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, July 13 at 7 pm.


Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal