Clinton news

Donations, volunteers, participants sought for DSS dinner auction

The David Stoddart Secondary (DSS) Annual Dinner and Auction will be held at the Clinton Memorial Hall on Nov. 22.

Susan Carrier, who is heading up the dinner and auction committee, says the event will have a “white-and-silver Christmas theme.”

Doors open at 5 p.m. with a silent auction and “appies.” Dinner, which starts at 6 p.m., is a traditional turkey dinner with apple crisp for dessert. The live auction will follow dinner with Jeff McMichael volunteering as auctioneer.

Tickets are $15 and must be purchased in advance. They are available at DSS, Integris Insurance, Country Squire Gift Store and High Bar First Nation office, but they will not be available at the door.

This fundraiser is the only major fundraiser for the Clinton Parent Advisory Council, and the funds raised are what sends our children on field trips and pays for additional classroom resources.

To donate an item to the auction, please drop off your item at DSS or call and it can be picked up.

Donations of any type, including cash, gift certificates, hand-made and store-bought items are appreciated.

It is really nice to have some larger items that bring in the higher bids. So, if you know of someone who may have something to donate as one of the larger auction items, it would be greatly appreciated.

The goal this year is to meet or beat the amount of funds raised at previous auctions, so please plan to come out and enjoy an evening at the community hall on Nov. 22. A designated driver will be available all evening.

If you would like to volunteer at the auction, please call Susan at 250-459-2132.


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